Luigi And The King - Chapter 2 - 2000pepper (2024)

Chapter Text

Kammy was, in the nicest way, a lot. She was a ball of anxious energy, rambling as she showed Luigi to his room.

"...and my brother and I work down there, in the magic labs," she points down an almost comically long hallway, "and the kitchens and dining room are back the other way but you'll see those when you come down for dinner, obviously where else would you eat dinner?" She chuckles nervously, "I'm sorry, we just don't get many new people here, especially humans. His Majesty said to just treat you like we'd treat the princess but the princess is a little scary sometimes – she's just so pretty and nice and usually Kamek deals with the people because I apparently go on and on and onand most people don't really like that."

He frowns, "I think you're doing a great job! You don't have to be scared of me, or the Princess honestly. I don't care if you ramble, you're showing me around. I appreciate you pointing things out to me!"

That seems to help a little, her shoulders relaxing with a small smile. Soon they're stopped in front of a large wooden door, and Kammy is pushing it open. "Wait, are you sure this is a guest suite? it seems kinda ...big?" and Kammy giggles at that, "yes, Mr. Luigi, this is one of our guest suites. The Princess's room is down the hall, for when she's here, but this will be your room for now."

The Princess has her own room? What kind of kidnapper does that?He shrugs, "well alright. And you don't have to call me Mister. Just Luigi is fine." She nods, and moves to leave and let him explore his rooms, but he stops her before she can open the door, "wait! You said something about dinner?" Her eyebrows shoot up, "oh! yes, of course!. It's at 7, so you have a little while to get settled," the clock on the wall by the door reads 5:07, "but I can come back by and take you to the dining room, if you want?"

He nods, there's no way he's finding his way around this huge place by himself, and she throws a "see you later!" over her shoulder as she shuts his door. Luigi is rooted to his spot, eyes scanning the room he's been given. Dark wood covers the walls, a dark marble covering the floor and ceiling and tall windows taking up the wall across from him. This room has a large tv above a fireplace, ornate red and orange and black couches, chairs, tables, and rugs covering the space, and a set of double doors against one wall. Upon opening them Luigi is greeted with the sight of a huge bedroom; a four poster bed and more big windows with a balcony, who would give a prisoner such an easy way to escape? , a dressing table, drawers, bedside tables, a mirror and more chairs all in the same colors as the living room furniture. On one wall, there are two doors, and Luigi opens the right one to reveal an insane closet, rows and rows of clothes in all types of colors and styles. Luigi could spend hours in here alone trying sh*t on, but he tucks that away to do after dinner and goes back out into the bedroom to open the left door, which he suspects is a bathroom. His suspicions are correct when the door swings open and the largest bathroom Luigi had ever seen was behind it. Dark gray marble covers every surface, a stone tub sitting against a wall under another large window and a shower that looks straight out of an architecture magazine sits along the other. In between was a long double vanity with a backlit mirror, and beside the shower was a door that opened up into the closet. The toilet was thankfully just a normal one, Luigi had seen his fair share of f*cked up looking bathrooms since he'd fallen into his new life, but it was the lighting that really caught his eye. It looks like lava, casting everything in a light red glow from behind glass inlays in the floor, walls, and ceiling. Looking closer, he realizes it is f*cking lava, slowly moving through the inlays, like a... lava lamp, Luigi amusedly thinks, watching it flow through the bathroom and into the bedroom. He traces the lava with his eyes and finds that it snakes through the entire room, casting everything in a low light that Luigi hadn't even noticed until now. There were large chandeliers in the living room and bedroom for when it got really dark, but until then Luigi would enjoy the ambient lighting while he got ready for dinner. He decided to just hang his dress up while he showered and put it back on when he was clean, since his exploration of the room had taken him nearly an hour. He uses his shower as time to process everything that's happened so far. It kind of seems like Peach's kidnappings were more like vacations, what with the tea and snacks waiting for him and the dinner and absolutely insane rooms, something he'd have to ask her about when he returned. He can’t imagine a room more luxurious than this one, but knowing Peach she’s got her room here absolutely decked out.

The bathroom has piles and piles of beauty products stacked around the bath, in the shower, on the counter, plus more on the dressing table in the bedroom, which Luigi takes advantage of as he bathes. And it seems like Bowser is with him being here? The casual way he had spoken when he thought Luigi was Peach was interesting, since he had only ever heard Bowser growl out threats and taunts at him and his brother whenever they saw each other. And the glasses were definitely funny, the image of the "scary" Alpha King squinting down at his phone making Luigi laugh into the silence of his room. He seemed to be much more relaxed here, in his home, and the spicy smoky scent that Bowser emitted during their interaction made him feel something he’s not even sure he has a name for, even when it was laced with anger. He belatedly realizes that his phone is still with his other clothes in Peach's castle, but there's nothing he can really do about it now, so he just resigns himself to being "unplugged" until he can get back home. He gets out of the shower and towels off, using some random lotion he finds on his legs and arms before slipping back into his dress. It's nearing 7 by this point, so Luigi sits on the couch and flips through the tv channels for about 15 minutes until there's a quiet knock at his door. He opens it to find Kammy standing and fidgeting with her hands, and he smiles at her before he motions for the two of them to head to dinner. They pass by the large formal dining room with a long table and walk through a pair of doors that opens into a much smaller dining room with a round table. Bowser is sitting on one side, glasses back on and reading a book.

He sets both his glasses and the book on the table, "hey! Long time no see!" he smiles, echoing his words from earlier as Luigi sits across from him, "find everything in your room okay?" Luigi nods, "I can't believe that's a guest room, it’s bigger than my whole house!" Bowser chuckles, and soon their food is served.

The food is amazing, savory and spicy and the polar opposite of what he's gotten used to in the Mushroom Kingdom, and the two of them fall into easy conversation over their meals. The King is more than willing to answer any and all of his questions, including where his shell was, why Peach had her own room here, why he wasn’t being treated like a prisoner, and why he was given a *room and dinner* . Bowser eyes him curiously, raising an eyebrow at his last few questions.

"Well, the shell is more of a...piece of armor than a body part. Most people don't wear them unless they’re going somewhere they need protection. Probably why you thought they were attached, because no one here’s leaving the kingdom without it these days…” He doesn’t know why, but Luigi feels kind of guilty hearing that, “After like two years of trying out guest rooms I guess the Princess just found one she liked, so she claimed it as hers and I sent the architects up for her to change it how she wanted.” He pauses, “Why would you think you're a prisoner? I didn't even mean to kidnap you. And you have a room because where else would you sleep? You're a *guest* here, even if it was unintentional. And dinner... Well, I guess you could call it a tradition. Peaches likes spending time with me, I guess."

His teasing smile makes Luigi's stomach flutter despite his anxiety. He doesn't really believe this whole "good guy" thing the Alpha is putting on, but his answers seem so genuine, and his scent hadn't dipped back into anger or anything malicious since the brief slip from before.

He nods, "makes sense.” It most certainly does not, but whatever.“This food is super good, by the way, what's in this?" and Bowser shrugs, "you're asking the wrong guy. I just eat the food, you'd have to ask the chef about something like that."

"And I can that?" Luigi blinks, which makes Bowser laugh. "Greenie, I swear. You aren't a hostage here, you could leave tomorrow if you wanna make the trek back by yourself, but all our airship operators get the weekend off unless there's "official business" planned. You could also just...relax?"

At Luigi's glare, he cringes, "not like that! I'm not– I'm just saying– You can just take it easy. You really aren't in any danger here, I swear. Someone from the kitchen will bring you breakfast tomorrow, and I can show you around after my meetings, if you want? The castle isn't actually that big once you know where everything is."

The Omega is a little surprised, he wasn't exactly expecting Bowser to commit to his nice guy bit to this extent, offering to spend more time with Luigi and even give him a tour of his home on top of having food delivered to his room, but he agrees anyways, eager to learn more about the endless hallways and sprawling rooms he saw in passing with Kammy. After dinner the man walks him to his room, leaving him for the night with the knowledge that his rooms were just down the hallway. He shucks his dress off in exchange for some shorts he finds in the closet and falls into bed, exhausted.

The next morning, he's awoken by the sound of movement outside his bedroom. He walks over to the door and cracks it open, and is met with the sight of two koopas setting up a tray of breakfast on the table behind the couch.

"Oh! Good morning, Mr. Luigi! we didn't know what time you'd be awake, so sorry for disturbing you!" He shakes his head, "good morning! no worries, it was about time for me to wake up anyways," he looks over at the clock that reads 9:37, "thank you for bringing me breakfast, I honestly thought he might have been lying about that..." His stomach grumbles at the smell of the absolute spread the kitchen had prepared for him, and the kitchen staff share an amused look, "what?" he asks, and they both snap out of it, embarrassed at being caught.

"Well! Enjoy your breakfast, Mr. Luigi! Leave the cart outside your door when you're done and someone will be back later to collect it." Both of the koopas scurry out the door and Luigi is left with silence and a table full of food, which he eats while surfing through the channels on the TV. After he finishes his food he sets the cart outside and decides to take the Alpha's advice and relax, getting ready for the day and finding an interesting book in the large bookshelves bracketing the fireplace, sitting with it in front of the windows. The book is actually really interesting, and Luigi finds himself distracted with it until the warmth from the sun pulls him into a nap. He wakes up an unknown amount of time later, it can't have been too long since the sun had barely moved in the sky, by a knock on his door. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and clambers over to open the door, where he's met with the sight of Bowser, presumably fresh out of his meetings.

He looks a little surprised to see Luigi, despite having knocked on his door, "sorry, I honestly figured you might have left already, since you hadn't touched your lunch," he points over to the cart, which had been restocked and left outside his door.

He blushes, "no, no. no escaping, just reading and a nap. That couch is literally so comfortable." His honesty makes Bowser laugh, "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Offers still on the table for that tour, if you're up for it."

Luigi nods, "I've accidentally spent my whole day in here, and I wanna see the castle. It seems so much different to the Princess's" And so, they set off down the expansive hallways of Bowser's castle.

As much as it was surely supposed to be creepy, Luigi couldn't help but admire the dark stone hallways and wood paneled rooms. It reminded him of some of the old money estates that dotted the East Coast back home, huge ceilings and expensive fabrics and intricate stonework, there were so many things packed into each room that Luigi could spend a whole day in each one and not run out of things to look at.

Right off the entrance was a large circular room with a glass ceiling, "Fair warning, it'll probably be kinda hot in here, Junior uses it as a greenhouse" Bowser says as he opens the door, and Luigi is grateful for the warning because it is indeed, hot as hell.

He's looking around at all the different plants when the Alpha's words really set in - Junior.

He had honestly forgotten Bowser even had a son, since the only time anyone ever saw him was at competitions or Kart Races. He doesn't have much time to wonder what the kid is like because when they round a corner that's covered in palm-like plants a koopa tumbles out of the bushes, obviously young but still almost just as big as some of the full grown ones he'd seen around the castle.

The kid shakes off his fall and turns to face them, "papa! The fire flowers are blooming! come here!" and before he can protest Bowser is being pulled through thick foliage into a clearing near the back of the room, Luigi following behind slowly with amusem*nt. "Look! Look! That man told me they wouldn't bloom so soon, but I knew they could!" Junior is just so precious, and the Omega feels his heart melt at the image of Bowser watching his son with so much fondness, leaning in to get a closer look at the things his son is pointing out.

Maybe he's not such a bad guy, I mean what kind of mean, ruthless Alpha would be so invested in his son’s flower garden? And give another kingdom's ruler a room in his house that she had apparently designed herself? His inner Omega has been poking around the Alpha in interest since he got here, the compliment on his dress and their easy connection making Luigi's metaphorical tail wag. Bowser may not be easy on the eyes, but he’s not ugly, and something about his confident personality and co*cky expressions made Luigi blush just thinking about him. Stop it. You're not even supposed to be here, now is not the time to think about finding a boyfriend. He's pulled from his thoughts by the sight of Junior standing in front of him.

"Hello! My name is Junior! Wait, you look kinda familiar... have I seen you before? I thought you usually wore red, and did you get taller? Are we in trouble? I swear my Papa doesn't mean anything bad, he just needs to talk to the Princess!" Luigi is laughing behind his hand and looking over at Bowser who is covering his face and shaking his head. "Hi, it's nice to formally meet you, Junior. You probably have seen me before, I compete in a lot of the same sports and races as you and your dad do. And my brother is the one in the red, Mario, my name’s-"

His introduction gets cut off by the excited child, "Luigi! You saved all those people from the hotel, right?" He nods in surprise, the unexpected acknowledgement of his travels catching him off guard, "You're right, that's me! How'd you hear about that? No one's in trouble, I came here by accident instead of the Princess. I'm sure she'll be here in a few days, though, so your Papa should be able to talk to her then, don't worry."

Junior nods resolutely, "okay good. Papa is teaching me how to read from the newspapers, and there was a story about the hotel in there!" The child doesn't wait for Luigi's response, turning to his father and jumping on him, prompting the Alpha to catch him and hoist him up on his shoulder, "Papa, did you eat lunch yet? I'm hungry, can we eat in the garden?" Bowser replies affirmatively, "I'll have to call the kitchen, let them to know to take it out there."

He pulls out his phone but Junior is reaching for it, "do you want to call them? you'll have to order the food, you can't chicken out like last time," the Alpha gives the phone to his son, who hesitates over the call button, whispering "can Luigi eat with us? Please? I want to ask about the ghosts!" into his father’s ear loud enough that Luigi can hear, and he smiles when the Alpha looks over at him.

"You'll have to ask, and see what he wants to eat," Junior is let down from his shoulder and he walks back over to Luigi, shy. "Would you... like to eat lunch with us? I can order for you, if you don't know what you want. I have great taste, I swear!" The child's cheesy smile and thumbs up has Luigi nodding, "I trust you, pick your favorites," and Junior is climbing back up onto Bowser's shoulder giggling and calling the kitchen.

The food wouldn’t be ready for a little while, so Luigi falls in step beside the King as Junior races off out the door ahead of them to point out various flowers and vines and trees and bugs along the path to the covered area along the back of the garden.

"I’m surprised you let your son read about stuff like The Last Resort, that’s some pretty heavy stuff.” The kid is distracted by a bush of flowers just off the main path, and Luigi laughs lightly, “He’s adorable though, how old is he?" Luigi looks in question to the tall man.

The Alpha considers his question, "Well, I don't know if you knew this or not but the Darklands history is kind of...heavy. Whatever they print in the newspaper probably doesn't hold a candle to what he's learning in school." He shrugs, "But I'm not really worried about it. He really is precious, I can't get over it sometimes. He's seven, his birthday was last month. Which is kind of crazy, since it feels like he was born yesterday."

Bowser watches his son try to get a bug to land on his arm with a smile, and Luigi is overcome with curiosity about the Alpha's child. He's no childbirth expert, and he has even less of a clue about Koopa anatomy, but he's curious as to where Junior's mom is. "And his mom... is she still... around?"

The Alpha stops, looking at Luigi with amusem*nt, "yeah, he'sright here," he motions to himself which only serves to confuse the Omega more, drawing a snort from Bowser. "Koopas don't need another person to have a kid, we're set up with all the right... equipment to do it ourselves. It's not really common for Alphas to willingly be pregnant, but by the time I turned 20 I had already spent half a decade without any family. It put me under some fire, I guess everyone was still a little nervous for me to have a kid after what happened with my dad, but I don't really give a f*ck. He's practically the people's prince, the way everyone fawns over him when we go out."

Well that was a lot to think about, but Luigi takes it in stride, nodding with a tilt of his head because he’d at least heard of some lizards that could do that kind of thing back on Earth, "that explains why he looks just like you," which makes Bowser laugh again, tilting his head back and offering Luigi a view of the smile that had his inner Omega preening, following the strong line of his neck as it connected to his shoulders under his shirt with his eyes.

He could feel his cheeks get hot and the flowery scent he carried intensified, hopefully masked by the fragrant flowers lining the walkway. He fears he's been caught when the Alpha looks him up and down, laughing lightly before running a hand over his jaw and continuing down the path, lifting Junior up to pick something off a tree when he notices that the kid's jumps aren't quite high enough to reach, and Luigi feels his inner Omega whining at the soft display of affection before he snaps out of it. Jesus Christ, calm down, Weegie. One day with the man and you're ready to jump his bones. You don't even know if he's legit, he could just be doing this so you don't go back and tell Peach and Mario he mistreated you. But his Omega is not listening, too caught up in seeing the soft side to an Alpha he had previously written off as violent and aggressive to act reasonable about a man he just met. They make it to an overhang, where a table has been set with three platters of food. He has to admit, the kid does have good taste, whatever sandwich and salad he had ordered for Luigi reminded him of things he used to eat from his family's deli. The three of them eat lunch; Luigi and Bowser eat, Junior spends most of his time filling them both in on the drama at school and referencing internet humor that they were both a little too old to get, as much as he was loath to admit it. After lunch Junior was collected for his music lessons, and Luigi and Bowser spend a large portion of the rest of the afternoon exploring the castle, the Alpha showing him an enormous library that he assures Luigi has full access to, another glass roofed room full of intricate metal furniture and a fountain, a few meeting rooms, his office, the music room where Junior was practicing on the drums, the medical ward, the airship hangars, another garden in the back of the castle that was clearly used by the kitchen, rows of herbs and vegetables and fruits lining a majority of the space. He's taken by the tailor's shop, which looked much more like a shop from a British spy movie than the high end boutique-vibe that Peach's tailor gave off, and shown the royal spas. The name was kind of misleading, since the spas were open to any and all residents of the Darklands. Because the castle was situated on top of a volcano, there were an abundance of natural hot springs, some of which were right along the edge of the property, far enough away from the castle that no one could accidentally end up somewhere they weren't supposed to be. It was set up like some of the spas Luigi has passed by with his mom speed walking through the New York streets, all sleek and glass and stone with a full service staff offering literally anything he could think of. Massages, specialized facials and body care, nails, hair, hot stones (lol), acupuncture, and of course unlimited access to the community hot springs. Luigi assumes the large gilded door to the right of the entrance to the springs is a private bath for the King, something that's only proven more probable when he notices everyone coming in or going out is only using the left door. Everyone they come across bows slightly to Bowser, who chuckles and sends them on their way.

Also, Luigi is definitely talking to Peach about this, because he knows she's gotten the exact same tour but didn't ever think to bring any of it up to anyone, not even him or Daisy. Bowser takes them back through to the formal dining room, "we don't really use this room much, it's mostly for special occasions."

They make their way through to the kitchens where dinner is being started, a testament to how long they've spent wandering around hallways and in and out of rooms. Luigi is reminded of his desire to speak with the chef, and looks between Bowser and the woman standing over the stove. The Alpha nudges him forward slightly "hey, didn't you want to ask about stuff?" but he's still hesitant. "Well I don't want to interrupt, cooking is kind of involv-" he's cut off by Bowser, "uh-uh, none of that. I told her you had questions and she wants to answer them. She knew we were swinging by, don't sweat it."

Luigi blushes, his Omega fawning hard at the consideration the Alpha is showing at bringing him here. He introduces himself to the cook, who eagerly answers his questions about what kinds of meat and vegetables were being used down here, the ways that she prepares the food and the spices she uses. Once she realizes that he’s actually pretty knowledgeable about it, she actually asks him a few questions about combinations she’s been wanting to try and suggestions for next year’s crops. Bowser watches on from the doorway and says something in passing to one of the staff, an unfamiliar feeling blooming in his chest. It had started when he opened the door to his throne room, looking over scans of some documents Peaches had brought him last time she came as a reference for how he should start formatting his royal budget or something just as trivial that she thought would help their plan’s chances. Immediately, he'd known something was up, since the Princess had taken to sitting on his throne and eating her snacks, kicking her feet up and pissing him off because that’s hisseat, thank you, he earned that. But when he looked, his throne was empty, and there was a terrified Luigi sitting at the table. He hadn't been able to control his blush when the man twirled in his dress, the fabric hugging his body and flaring out teasingly at the end. His Alpha was immediately clawing at the walls at the sight of the confident smirk gracing the Omega's features, and the scent of lavender and rain had him internally showing his belly in contentment. The feeling came back with the scent in the garden, something he could immediately pick out over the smell of the other flowers surrounding them, and he'd had to laugh it off lest he do something he really regretted. He could be a little intense sometimes, romance-wise, and as much as he'd wanted to scent the Omega in the garden he'd just walked away after his son, not wanting to scare away this man who he seemed to actually get along with, even better than Peaches. He rolls his eyes to himself about the fact that his Alpha seemed to be set on taking care of the brother of his "nemesis" and someone who he'd never even meant to have met like this, and smiles at Luigi as he makes his way back across the kitchen.

"Thank you so much for this! I never get to talk with anyone about cooking, and they don't have these ingredients in the Mushroom Kingdom. She's very knowledgeable, I bet it'd be fun to cook with her," Bowser's Alpha formulates a response before he can think about it, intent on providing for this wonderful Omega that’s made his way into his castle. "You're more than welcome to spend time in here, and you can use whatever isn't already in use, you know. I'm sure the staff would have no problem?" He looks to the chef and a few of her assistants who all respond enthusiastically that they've been needing someone new to give them ideas on dishes. Luigi giggles and looks between Bowser and the group.

"Well, cool! I'll definitely be back down here tomorrow, how's dinnertime sound?" He gets nods from both Bowser and the chef and smiles, his inner Omega pushing him to thank the King in a more... tactile way, pushing his nose against a wrist or his neck. He ignores it, for now, and settles on thanking everyone verbally and following the Alpha back through to the smaller dining room he had eaten in the night before. The King clearly eats first, judging by the piping hot plates of food sitting on the table that Luigi had just seen the chef ladling into bowls in the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind, but I just went ahead and had them set us both up for dinner in here again, since I figured we'd still be poking around the castle by dinnertime." Luigi shakes his head, "not at all! Thank you," he nods his head as he sits in the chair Bowser pulls out for him, blushing.

The low light from the dimmed chandelier casts shadows over Bowser's face and really emphasizes that he is, indeed, part dragon. Luigi's eyes trace over a strong jaw and a sharp hook nose, scanning over his horns and the curve of his cheek before meeting his eyes, blushing. "see something you like, Greenie?" the Alpha jokes, and Luigi reaches over the table to smack his arm with an oh, shut up.

He rolls his eyes with a smile, "thank you for showing me around today, this place is super cool." Bowser chuckles at him, "of course, I redesigned the whole place a few years ago, so not many people have seen it like this." He hums, "well you did an amazing job, it looks like it's been here for centuries like this." That gets him a half bow, the Alpha smirking as he flourishes his hand over the table, "thank you." They both tuck into their meals, quiet conversation about the castle and some of the plants filling the space between them. By the time they finish, talking and laughing through their dessert about random drama they'd heard about other kingdoms and royalty, the clock is pushing midnight and Luigi is yawning into his hand.

"Don't fall asleep at the table, now. Bad manners." The deep voice jolts him out of his after-dinner haze and he glares over the table sleepily. "M'not falling asleep, you're just boring me." Bowser laughs, "Oh, so that's how it is! Come on, let me walk you to your room, sleeping beauty, wouldn't want you getting lost. Your brother's probably showing up tomorrow, and he usually makes it a point to get here at the crack of f*cking dawn, can't let a man sleep in..."

At the mention of his brother, Luigi is wide awake. He had been enjoying his time here so much that he had honestly forgotten he wasn't actually supposed to be here, and that there was no doubt Mario would be here as soon as possible to collect him. He's honestly a little scared, because he knows how his brother can be when it comes to him. One time in high school Luigi had been shoved in a locker by some stupid football players and they'd had to go collect Mario from the police station because he had sent the entire team to the hospital. It's that stupid macho Alpha mentality, the one that had pushed the wedge between them in the first place, and Luigi's newfound fondness for the man in front of him made everything ten times harder for him than it needed to be. He should be ecstatic to be going home after being wrongfully kidnapped and spending the last two days in the castle of someone he had been taught to hate, but something about the place makes him want to stay.

"About my brother... I'm sorry. He's just really...protective..." he trails off, and Bowser scoffs, "yeah, I kinda gathered that from how often he comes after Peaches. Don't worry, I'm used to it by now. It doesn't even hurt, I'm just an amazing actor." He draws out the last two words long enough to make Luigi laugh, and the two of them head out the door and back through the hallways to Luigi's room. Stopped outside the door, Luigi turns back to the Alpha, deciding that if tonight was gonna be his last night here then he might as well take a risk and let his inner Omega have some fun.

He steps up closer to Bowser, who is eyeing him curiously, "Thank you again for showing me around today, and for being so nice to me even though I wasn't even supposed to be here," he takes the man's hand who jumps a little in surprise, before bringing it up to his face. He nudges at the small bump under the skin of his wrist with his nose, and he can feel the Alpha's breath hitch as Luigi's senses are filled with smoke and spice.

Bowser smiles before bringing Luigi's other hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss into the skin before flipping it and pressing his nose to the matching spot on the Omega's wrist and watching the man’s eye’s flutter shut in response. "Of course, Omega. You're always welcome, even if I have to kidnap you to get you here." Bowser presses another soft kiss into his skin before pulling away. "Being kidnapped wasn't that bad, I'd do it again," he says, giggling. Bowser chuckles at him before bidding him goodnight, leaving Luigi to get ready for what was sure to be an interesting morning.

As soon as the Omega shuts the door, though, he's sliding down the wall and screaming silently into his hands. His inner Omega is absolutely delighted at the small physical contact, the most he'd experienced from an Alpha in years because of Mario's obsessive control over his life. He tries to reason, tries to say that it's just because they've never really met before this and Luigi's been stuck here waiting for his brother and he doesn't even know if the man is actually safe and not just playing this up so he doesn't go running to Peach and Mario about it. But it doesn't matter, the butterflies in his stomach at the thought of the Alpha smiling down at him and the way his Omega is begging for him to go and properly scent Bowser, nose and mouth rubbing over his neck, is making him dizzy with want. He shakes his head and heads for the shower, intent on washing away all thoughts of getting closer to the Alpha King with the hot water. As the heat from the spray blankets his muscles his thoughts of home and getting back to his old life are overtaken by the memory of breath on his skin. His body heats up further, pressure building in his abdomen as he washes shampoo out of his hair. Before too long, the pressure becomes too much, and one of Luigi’s hands slides down his front and grips his dick, tugging lightly with a gasp as he leans onto the wall. He speeds up, eyes falling shut and breath coming out heavy as the phantom feeling of Bowser's lips travels from his hand up his arm and across his chest, and all too soon he's biting back a moan and watching with a blush as the evidence of his fast attraction to the man is washed down the drain.

Bowser watches the door shut with a huff of breath, running his hand over his face and hiding a smile as he makes his way back to his room. He stops by Junior's room to make sure he’s asleep and smiles at the soft snores coming from his son's bed. He leans over and plants a kiss on the top of his head, and two small arms wrap around his neck.

"Night, Papa. I love you." is slurred out, and Bowser returns the hug tightly, "goodnight, I love you too." He shuts the door to his kid's wing of the castle before heading for his own.

Most of the bedrooms in the castle were remarkably similar, black and gold marble walls and dark wood floor and ceiling. The room, though, was the biggest, the bed alone taking up as much space as some of the smaller bedrooms. Dark maroon sheets and a blanket cover the mattress, and gold curtains hang from the bedframe. Through a pair of large french doors sits a living room with plush couches in the same dark maroon. There was also a large bathroom with an enormous stone tub, shallow enough that he could sit on the bottom, but deep enough that he’s sitting up to his shoulders. His closet is largely filled with casual clothes, his shell acting as his sole outfit outside of the castle. Thanks to Kamek’s magic, the tub fills quickly, and soon Bowser is sinking into the molten heat of the tub and reminiscing about the events of his day. His inner Alpha is a tad angry with him for not scenting the Omega properly, pulling them chest to chest and burying his nose in the soft skin of Luigi’s neck. But he really doesn’t want to mess this up, for some reason, it surprised him enough that Luigi had initiated the scenting in the first place. It was really pitiful, how quickly he was falling for the human, and he tries to keep his Alpha from running wild with the thought that the two of them were meant for each other, albeit unsuccessfully. He just can't help it, not with the Omega's soothing scent and bright laugh. He's never gotten along with someone so easily, even with Peach it had taken a little while before the two of them had the kind of relaxed conversation he and Luigi shared. And he’s so pretty, bright blue eyes and curly brown hair paired with his size difference reminding Bowser of some kind of fairy. He knows the human doesn't all the way trust him yet, which is understandable, he'd only been there like two days and he did get kidnapped, even if it wasn't on purpose. But he seemed so...sad? when his rescue was brought up, like he didn't want to leave, or at least didn’t want to return with his brother. Bowser's heart lurches at the thought that someone could actually miss him, that he could actually make someone want to stay, and his Alpha runs with the feeling, trying to cement the memory of Luigi's scent and the feel of his skin under his hand in his mind because he’s probably never going to get the chance to do any of that again. His face starts to heat as he starts to imagine what it would be like to scent the Omega closer, maybe he would let Bowser sit them down and pull him onto his lap, hands around a small waist as he buries his nose and lips in Luigi's neck and pressing kisses along his throat. His head falls back against the edge of the tub as he recalls the feeling of Luigi’s small hands in his own, and Bowser can’t help but spread his legs a little wider along the bottom of the bath, feeling his core clench at the memory of the human’s closed eyes and parted lips. He runs his hand over his slit, feeling the skin surrounding it puff up at the stimulation. Pressing down on his abdomen, he can feel the outline of his penis through the thin skin, rubbing on it absentmindedly as his imagination runs wild with the feeling of Luigi’s back against his chest, and before long he’s slipping his fingers inside himself, panting heavily as the tip of his penis begins to poke out. He presses down on the tip and rubs, hips twitching as he slumps bodily against the side of the tub, resigned to taking a shower after he gets out of his now soiled bath. After his shower, he pulls on some boxers before collapsing in bed, face flushed as his activities catch up to him. f*ck's sake. *what* is he doing, letting his Alpha go crazy over a random human Omega like he wasn't a King who had responsibilities and a reputation. He lets his Alpha relish in his post-org*sm bliss a little while longer before he reminds himself that Luigi is leaving tomorrow, and that whatever infatuation he’s had with the Omega for the past few days will have to come to an end.

Luigi And The King - Chapter 2 - 2000pepper (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.