Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (2024)

There are some things you should know before you consider buying the Richway Amethyst Biomat®, which I will cover in this comprehensive Original Authentic Richway Amethyst Biomat review.

(note: it’s the Richway Amethyst Biomat® and not Ridgeway Bio mat, people sometimes hear the company name incorrectly)

First you need to know that the Biomat® is a registered trademark and name of a product. Richway is the only company that makes a Biomat®. Other manufacturers will use the term Biomat in their marketing to confuse you. Richway has been making the Biomat® since 1997, and has a reputation for creating high quality products. Other manufacturers are taking advantage of the brand recognition and using the name in their marketing, making it difficult for consumers to know if they are looking at an authentic Biomat or not. You can learn more about how to spot the differences between the Biomat and other Far Infrared mats here.

Beware of Incorrect and Misleading Information

Be careful!! Sometimes well-meaning resources can have some incorrect and misleading information on basic product information like crystals in the product. They have a lot of great information in their article, so it seems good. To understand the correct information, you can simply check Richway’s website for the truth about things like their controller (not a tablet), the crystals, and FDA.

Also watch for:

  • Reviews that appear to be neutral, but are sponsored or connected in someway to a specific manufacturer (look for a FTC disclaimer or affiliate disclaimer on their web page in small print at the bottom or side). And always look for information about who is writing the article or has created the website. No “About us” section is a clue that it is likely simply a marketing tool.
  • Reviews that are duplicated on other sites
  • Sites that seem to provide great summaries of different products, but they are really just listing the products they sell on Amazon (you’ll see their Amazon affiliate disclaimer at the bottom of their page). This has become big business.
  • Biomats for sale on Amazon or eBay- none of these are authentic Biomats. Richway doesn’t allow their products to be sold on these sites.
  • Review sites that don’t tell you anything about who they are or how they came up with their random ratings.

It’s hard for consumers, because you’re looking for accurate, honest information. Although there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, just because it’s on the internet, that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Like any proactive consumer, you will find the correct information as you do your research.

In addition to reading below, I encourage you to visit for the most current and up to date product information about the Biomat®.

Let me share with you my personal product review of the BioMat®, plus explain some basic information about the BioMat® and Richway.

First, who am I?

My name is Jennifer and I’m passionate about wellness.

I truly believe that it is up to each of us to take control of our health. I started exploring natural therapies in 2002 and began working with a naturopath in 2003. I’ve added other complimentary health modalities to my health team/toolkit along the way.

Being a Mom, focusing on natural remedies is really important to me. I don’t like chemicals and prefer natural treatments over medications.

I’ve worked in the wellness industry since 2008.

I’ve attended public wellness events, I’ve even attended industry tradeshows where health food stores discover new products to carry in their stores. I’m always learning about new wellness tools and resources. I remember visiting a booth at the Natural Products Expo in Boston a few years ago, where a company was selling a brightly coloured kids drink, and the marketing for the product resembled a favourite classic children’s toy, but the ingredients were horrible (I’m not even sure why they were at this show). When they discovered I had a wellness site, they wanted me to review their product. I simply walked away- their product was not in integrity with wellness choices I make.

There is A LOT of information about wellness out there.

With so many different points of view and information sources, it can be really overwhelming.It is important for you to do your own Biomat review – checking all of the product information, making sure you’re learning from resources that actually know about the product. The Richway website is a good place to start.

Helping You Make an Informed Decision

Some people can provide misleading information to try to take advantage of people, especially people who are not well and who are desperate for something to make them feel better. And that really disappoints me.

I do my best to provide safe and accurate information, especially about the Biomat. I’m not here to sell something– I’m here to provide information so you can make an informed decision.

In fact I’ve had conversations with people where I’ve talked them out of getting something because I didn’t think it was the best investment for them, there was something that would work just as well, or better for their needs.

I have been representing the Richway products since 2008 as a Distributor, also known as an Independent Sales Associate (note, I am not affiliated in any way with any other Infrared Mat companies).

You can “meet” me in the video below on this this page or feel free to call me or email me.

Below is some of my Biomat® story, as well as answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Biomat® (FAQs)

My Personal Biomat® Review: The Biomat®’s impact on my health and my family’s health

I first tried Richway’s Far Infared Amethyst BioMat® back in 2008 at a wellness show. I was tired from walking the show floor and after just 20 minutes of lying down on the BioMat® I felt refreshed, it reduced my fatigue. And I noticed I slept really well that night too.

I tried it again at an information session the following week, and also noticed I slept really well again. I was getting up lots through the night because my kids were young, so getting a deep sleep without feeling drowsy the next morning was priceless.

At this point I would typically tell you more about my personal experience, however, to ensure compliance with the US FDA and FTC I can’t share all the details.

I can tell you that it has helped my family with:

  • relaxing which has helped with getting a better sleep
  • relieving muscle pain
  • reducing/eliminating lower back pain
  • reducing pain with arthritis
  • and helping muscle strains.

It’s helped my son recover from sports injuries and my 80 year old mother recover from a day of playing in the garden or shovelling snow. The Biomat® helped me in a big enough way that it inspired me to want to feel that way every day, so I started my Biomat® journey when I bought a Mini Biomat® in 2008, then after a few months, I upgraded to the Professional Biomat®, to have a full body experience.

Health Transformation

I have personally witnessed many people experiencing a health transformation after using the Amethyst Biomat®. For instance, an injured colleague of mine went from looking stiff, finding it difficult to move, to walking with more ease within 24 hours of using the BioMat® (she was going downthe stairs and slipped down the last 4 steps ouch!). By using the Biomat®, she relaxed the muscles that were injured which allowed her to do some gentle stretches which accelerated her recovery.

My husband slipped on ice and landed on his elbow jamming his arm up into his shoulder. Within a few days, the elbow and shoulder recovered. He’s also used it to relieve an achy back after doing big projects around the house (laying new patio stones for our walkway, building a deck, repairs around the house++). My son has used it in recovery from hockey injuries.

I have received many letters, notes and hugs of gratitude from people with various health issues after using the BioMat®. It brings me such joy to know I am helping people on their journey to good health.

Amethyst Crystals

I have since learned a lot about crystals and the incredible qualities of Amethyst crystals. They tend to resonate with most people and it is often the first crystal people are drawn too as they learn about stones and crystals. Since 2008 I have developed an affinity and appreciation for crystals having accumulated a collection of over 200 different stones. I share more about the crystals in the Biomat below in this Biomat review.

What Crystals are in the Amethyst Biomat® and BioBelt?

As you review the Biomat® crystals for each of the products, it’s clear to see what is contained in each model. You can see the crystals in the Professional Biomat® and the Mini Biomat® in the video below.

The Professional, Single, Queen and King size Amethsyt Biomats contain:

  • Amethyst crystals that you can see in the ridges of the mat
  • Black Tourmaline within the unique TOCA catch layer of the mat

The Mini Biomat® (seen below) contains:

Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (1)

  • Amethyst crystals that you can see in the ridges of the mat
  • Black Tourmaline that you can see in the ridges of the mat
  • Black Tourmaline within the unique TOCA catch layer of the mat

Here’s a close up of the crystals in the Professional Biomat® and the Mini Biomat®. I took this picture when I filmed the video linked above.

Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (2)

The Biobelt contains:

  • Amethyst
  • Green Jade
  • Tourmaline
  • Crystal
  • Citrine
  • Topaz
  • Elvan and
  • Tiger’s Eye

Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (3)
What is included with a Biomat®?

When you order a Biomat®, you receive:

  • The Biomat
  • Natural cotton cover, to make it easy to wash
  • A controller
  • Information package on how to use it, plus quality and testing certification from various organizations.
  • Carrying case: the Mini and Professional Biomat come with a hard-shell luggage like travel case. The Single, Queen and King have a duffle bag style case.

What is the temperature range of the Biomat®?

The Mini Biomat® temperature range is 104F-158F (40C-70C).

The Professional, Single, Queen and King have a temperature range of 95F-158F (35C-70C).

Below is a video for how to use the Professional Biomat® controller. There are several buttons to adjust the temperature up and down. As you can easily see there are not any tablet-like screens to navigate, simply buttons to push to adjust the temperature and timer. You don’t nee to know how to use a tablet to use the Biomat. Here’s a video with how to use the Biomat Controller:

FDA Approved Medical Device:

The Richway Biomat is a FDA approved Medical device. Richway is committed to providing safe products for the public to use. In January 2013 Richway was contacted by the FDA as there was an issue with the procedures in manufacturing process of the Biomat. There were no safety concerns about the product itself at that time. The FDA requires certain procedures to be followed to ensure products are produced safely. Richway changed their procedures to be compliant with the FDA Richway made the updates required by the FDA.

If the Biomat® was not FDA compliant, then the Biomat® would not be available any more- the FDA simply wouldn’t allow Richway to sell it.

Health Canada Approved Medical Device:

As you’re conducting your Biomat review, it is also important to note that the Biomat®is a Health Canada Class II Medical device. This important designation means that all sizes of the Biomat (Mini, Professional, Single, Queen and King) are exempt from duty in Canada.

Who SHOULDN’T Use the Biomat®:

It is important that you know that the Amethyst BioMat® is NOT for everyone. You can see more on this list of safety precautions from Richway. For instance, if you are pregnant , you should seek your doctor’s advice before using the Amethyst BioMat®.

How soon will you notice a difference in your health?

It really varies. I have had many people try the Biomat® at wellness events and they notice a shift in how they feel after just 5-15 minutes. I have noticed that people who have pain tend to notice a difference right away. In some instances, it takes several weeks or months for the healing that happens on the inside (with the help of the deep penetrating far infrared rays) to be noticeable on the outside.

I have had some people try the BioMat®and enjoy the warmth, but they didn’t have a health issue they wanted to address, so they didn’t want to make the health investment at that time. And I honour that.

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you have health issues you want to get relief from.

Contact me, I’ll help you determine whether or not the Biomat® may be a good fit for you.

How can I experience the Biomat®?

If you are interested in trying the BioMat®, here are some options, so you can do your own Biomat review:

  • Rent the BioMat® from a distributor in your area. I’m located just west of Toronto, Ontario and rent out the Professional and Mini BioMat®. You can contact me for availability.
  • Try the BioMat® at a health and wellness event.
  • Attend a Biomat information session.
  • Visit a practitioner who uses the Amethyst BioMat® in their practice and have a BioMat® session. (I have a few contacts in the Greater Toronto area and in British Columbia like Victoria and a few in the United States I can refer you to)

TIP:Easiest way to try the Biomat® in the United States:

Here’s one more tip for American’s who are considering purchasing the BioMat® but want to try it first. If you can’t find a distributor close by to rent the Biomat® or have a session with the Biomat®, consider buying a BioMat® anyway. Richway has an amazing return policy. They will give you a full refund if you return it within the first 7 days of receiving it.

To clarify, when you buy a Biomat® you pay for the product and shipping; and if you don’t like it, Richway will refund the value of the BioMat 100%. That means that you will only be out of pocket for the cost of shipping. That is the same or cheaper than renting the BioMat for a week.

Where does the Biomat® ship from?

The Biomat® will ship from one of the locations listed on Richway’s marketing materials:

  • R&L Corporation -South Korea– this is where the Amethsyt Biomat is made. Korea will ship to most of Asia (except China & Japan), and will ship some products to Australia and New Zealand.
  • Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. – Hawaii, USA– The majority of orders in US $ are processed through the Richway USA office. This is the hub of operations for North America and they process the orders for other destinations as well. All North American repairs are processed here. I’m in contact with this location regularly. Orders going to North America, South America, Africa and Europe are shipped from the Distribution centre in Illinois, USA. Note: the Biomat and BioBelt are not available to ship to Europe
  • Shaoxing Richway Trading Co., Ltd, China – Orders to destinations in China are shipped from the Chinese office.
  • Richway & Life Japan Corporation – orders for Japan are processed and shipped from the Japanese office.
  • Richway has a distribution centre in Brisbane, Australia, which ships the most popular products like the Professional and MiniBiomat.

What is the best size of Biomat® to get?

The best size to get is the size that you can most easily use in your lifestyle. Think about how you will use the Biomat®. You can download the Biomat size guide. I’ll take you through a series of questions to help you understand the best size of Biomat® for your needs.

Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (4)

Who to Buy the Biomat® from?

You cannot purchase the Biomat from Richway directly.

Some websites appear to be the “Official Biomat® website,” but they are simply authorized Independent Sales Associates (ISA), like me.

All Sales Associates must charge the price specified by Richway. All orders are shipped from their distribution centres. That is also how you know you are getting a new warrantied product.

Look for Awesome Customer Service

If you decide to buy a Richway Amethyst BioMat®, I suggest that you get to know the representative who is selling the product line. Buy your Biomat® from someone with impeccable customer service. For instance, I always check in with my clients that have purchased a Biomat® to see if they have any questions and ensure they are enjoying it. I also help my clients to get the right size of Biomat® for their needs. In fact I’ve been representing the Biomat since 2008. And in all of those years, I have only had 2 people return their Biomat, because they bought the wrong size.

I have received several phone calls and emails from people who have not heard back from the person they ordered their BioMat® from. They have questions about how to use it, sometimes weeks within receiving it, other times a few years later, but since they never heard from their Biomat representative, they don’t remember who they purchased from.


Because I believe in the integrity of the Biomat®, I have helped those individuals get the answers to their questions when their representative didn’t respond. Don’t misunderstand me, Richway International stands behind their product. They are a member of the Better Business Bureau. Richway has been acknowledged in the business community for their high standards. The problem is that not all people who sell the Richway product line operate at the same level of standards as Richway does.

In closing, I trust this Biomat review has been helpful and I sincerely believe that the Richway Amethyst Biomat® has made a huge difference in my life and in the health of my family, friends and clients.

Need More Information about this BiomatReview?

As you review the Biomat® information, I invite you to contact me if you have any questions.

It would be an honour to help you on your road to good health. The short video above provides an overview of the difference between the Mini Biomat® and Professional Biomat®.

You can find more BioMat® videos on my You Tube Channel

Truth about Richway Biomat - A Comprehensive Review -Read Now! (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.