Wreck-It Ralph & Mario Bros: Of Plungers and Hammers - Chapter 3 - CoffeeCat1983 (2024)

Chapter Text

Felix shifted uncomfortably.
"What do you do when you love someone, but bein' in love doesn't fit with your code?"
"Felix, you remember my game description, don't you?"
He was surprised by her reply but nodded. "Well, sure. I know all the Nicelanders." he straightened up, clearing his throat. "'Mary Nicelander: A master at baking cakes and pies of any kind, she is the kindhearted one who makes sure Fix-It Felix and the others are well cared for.'"
"That's the one. But Felix, that's just the first half."
"First half?"
Mary closed her eyes and began to recite; "Mary gained her baking expertise by endless hours of practice, hoping her treats would help her win over the fella of her dreams, Gene."
She laughed at Felix's dumbfounded look.
"You and Gene?" he managed, making her laugh more.
"Yup! And dear, let me tell you, it might be in our codes, but Gene and I can't stand the idea of being sweethearts!" She leaned in. "I rather like Norwood, myself."
She stood, straightening out her dress. "Remember, your code is just the cover. And Felix, the cover can be completely different to the book inside." A motherly kiss to his cheek and she took a step back.
"Goodnight, dear. Don't stay up too late, okay?"
Promising he wouldn't and with a soft goodnight, he watched her leave. Touching his left shoulder with two fingers and twisting them, he watched as his game description popped up.
'Fix-It Felix, Jr. At 23, he is the youngest to ever be in charge of the Nicelanders' apartment homes and using the magic hammer gifted to him by his father, he proudly holds that position as he protects everyone from all manner of destruction.
While any of the ladies of Niceland would love to be at his side, Felix is a single guy with eyes only for his work...'
Closing the description, he looked back up at the stars. "Code is just the cover." he repeated.

Startled, the young man looked over the edge of the roof. "Ralph?" His friend was racing over the path from the tram.
"Felix where are you?!"
Ralph skidded to a halt as Felix bounced down the front of the building.
"Ralph what's gotten into you? You're hollerin' loud enough to wake the zombies in Undead Apocalypse 3!"
"F-Felix, you gotta tell me," Ralph panted, pointing a finger accusingly, "you're not thinkin' of clipping your code, are you?"
Felix jumped in shock and rapidly looked around, shushing him. "What are you talkin' about?" he hissed between clenched teeth. "How did you get such a crazy idea?!"
Standing so he towered over the other, Ralph folded his arms. "So, you feel it too? That feeling, it's all over the Arcade. Just like last time."
"I didn't even feel it." Felix muttered. "Any idea where it's comin' from?"
Before Ralph could reply, a cry was heard.
Both was startled to see Princess Peach running towards them. Felix took off his hat in respect.
"Your majesty? What-"
"It's Mario!" she panted, tears streaking her face, "you've got to hurry! He left a note! He's going to clip his code!"
An icy chill pierced Felix's heart and he bolted on ahead of Peach.

'Clipping' as it was called in the video game world was something most avoided ever mentioning, and those who did spoke in hushed whispers. Each character, from the smallest NPC to the biggest main hero held a special line in their programming. A line of code that no programmer wrote, but it was thought that it appeared when games were first plugged in. This code was considered to be the heart of each character, their soul. Clipping was the act of severing the connection to this line of code.
In the entire history of the Arcade, only one character had ever clipped his code. The effect was one Felix hoped he would never see again. The life had gone out of his eyes and he became cold and distant, barely speaking to anyone or interacting with the world around him. Eventually this began to happen during gameplay and gamers complained that the game was broken.
The game was unplugged without warning.
Heart pounding at the memory, Felix ran even faster.

Gloved fists pounded on the Mario Kart code vault door.
"Big bro, please!" Luigi begged. "Come back!"
Daisy rapidly tapped at the controller lock, trying any cheat code she could think of. On the other side of the door, a rope around his waist, Mario floated out amid the glowing icons and lines of code.
He swallowed hard, forcefully ignoring the banging and the cries of his little brother on the other side of the door. One simple touch and the code icon marked with his trademark 'M' opened to reveal dozens of smaller icons. Spying one marked with a thought bubble, he tapped it, feeling curious. It opened, showing dozens of small windows that played and replayed videos. An ache in his chest as he realized he was looking at his own memories. One would close and another would open.
The day the game was plugged in.
Luigi's first win on the tracks.
The twins and the bros playing the game.
Meeting Felix for the first time.
The night of the dance.
The moment Felix ran out.
The kiss.
"Just forget me."
Tears stung his eyes as he closed the icon. He blinked them away and searched the icons, finding the one marked with a golden heart.

"Cmon' through! I need to get through please!" the voice was a wild mix of polite, urgent, and terrified. Luigi and Daisy stood aside as Felix shot up to the door and muttered under his breath, his eyes darting back and forth as he entered the cheat code.
Mario reached for the heart and hesitated. The yelling behind him had stopped. His heart sank and he reached out again only to feel a sharp yank and go flying backwards. Tumbling head over heels from the force he rolled past the code corridor and landed flat on his back, looking up to see Luigi, Daisy, Peach, and Bowser all staring at him. Sitting up with a groan, Mario grunted as Luigi grabbed him with a happy cry.
"You're still you!" his little brother cheered, hugging him tightly. He quickly sat back, looking him over. "You are still you, right?"
"Y-Yeah, yeah, Weege," Mario said shakily, "I'm still me."
Peach kneeled beside them, a hand on Mario's shoulder.
"You scared us all half to death. If Felix hadn't-"
Mario's eyes went wide. "Felix?" he then saw the other man standing nearby. Felix gave him a small wave.
"Hey, Mario," he said, hands shyly behind his back. Mario couldn't meet his gaze. Letting out a rumbling growl, Bowser threw the rope to the floor and stomped over to the brothers.
"Outta the way." he shooed Luigi and Peach away and grabbed Mario, holding him up by the overalls and using a claw to remove the rope that was tied around him. Looking right at Mario, he snorted, faint trails of smoke curling up from his nostrils.
"Listen pipsqueak, you don't get to destroy yourself, that's my job. Got it? Now look," he stepped aside, glancing at Felix. "You like him, right?"
"Y-Yeah, I do."
"And you!" Bowser pointed right at Felix, startling him. "You like him back?"
"H-He does give m-me the honey-glow somethin' awful." Felix confessed. Bowser rolled his eyes, muttering 'whatever' before stomping over and dropping Mario in front of him.
"Talk, now. Or so help me I will tie both of you up in a room of bob-ombs until you do!" Turning back, he snarled and waved at the other three. "C'mon, give em some space! Dang lovesick idiots."

Begrudgingly the others gave in to his orders and filed out, leaving the two alone. Felix anxiously looked Mario up and down.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
"A few bumps but I'm okay-!" Mario was cut off as Felix grabbed him, holding him close.
"You scared the everlovin' daylights outta me, mister!" he shifted and cupped Mario's face in his hands. "Don't ever do that again!" he scolded before letting him go. He then looked guilty. "Why did you do this? Because of me?"
It was Mario's turn to look guilty. "It hurt too much. The thought of bein' without you."
They were both silent for a moment before Felix let out a groan of frustration and began pacing rapidly.
"All this because of something some of the Nicelanders said," he fumed, "and here I give in to it." He turned swiftly on his heel. "Oh, codes and programming be, be darned!" he blurted out before stomping up to Mario. "I don't care what people think, what my game description says. Me bein' single all my life can just, oh it can go to heck! I love you, Mario, I always have!"
He calmed a bit. "Excuse my potty mouth, but some things just need to be said."
Their eyes met. Mario's the rich color of sapphires, Felix the pale blue of a clear sky. A tan-gloved hand came to rest on the plumber's cheek as they drew close.
"I think they're gonna finally kiss!"
The loud whispers made them whip around in time to see Daisy being yanked away from the doorway by Peach. Luigi peered around the corner, giving a thumbs up.
"All good, you guys can continue!" he said cheerfully. In the background Daisy was complaining loudly to Peach about being yanked away.
The moment broken, Mario and Felix burst into laughter. Wiping away a few tears, Mario sighed.
"There's supposed to be another dance tomorrow." he ventured. He took Felix's hand. "How about it? Wanna try this again from the start?"
Felix squeezed his hand. "We're video game characters, restarting is part of the deal."
His reply sent Mario into more laughter.

The dance floor was as busy as the first night, the party in full swing. While many had opted for their usual clothing in place of party clothes, some still dressed up. Felix smoothed down his silk vest as he approached the dance floor, all the while trying to ignore his heart pounding in his ears. Across the floor he spied Luigi and Daisy. He waved and the pair waved back.
"They really make a cute couple," he muttered.
"So do you and Mario," came a voice. Peach gave him a warm smile as he whipped around, pulling his hat off in the process.
"Peach! I-I mean your majesty, it's good to see you."
"And you. I owe you, Felix, we all do, for getting the vault door open. But can you do me one more favor?"
Felix scrunched his hat in his fingers, afraid of what she was going to ask. "Yes, your majesty, I can sure try."
Peach looked fondly towards Mario, who was approaching them from the stage.
"Take care of him for me, won't you?"
Felix brightened up. "Yes ma'am!" He paused. "Y-You're sure about this?"
"I'm sure. He might be my hero in our coding, but he's definitely your guy. Besides," she looked to Bowser and back to Felix, giving a wink. "I got a thing for bad boys."

Felix looked up as the lights shifted to rainbow and a familiar song began to play. Mario came up and held out his hand.
"I made a little song request."
Accepting, Felix took his hand and the two strolled out onto the dance floor. As they danced, Felix chuckled.
"You know, I'm pretty sure songs like this aren't for traditional ballroom dancing."
He was stunned as Mario twirled him around and dipped. Holding him, the plumber's eyes sparkled.
"What can I say? I like to go against the code."
A nervous, soft laugh as they stood. "Heh, y-yeah, me too." He found himself staring into the other's eyes, unable to look away from the glittering sapphires.
"You're right," he breathed. "The lyrics should be 'lost in the bluest eyes'."
They drew closer to each other, but Mario held back. "Too many people," he whispered, "why don't we go somewhere more private?"
Sonic tipped his sunglasses, watching the pair leave. Zipping across the dance floor he skidded to a halt in time to hear Daisy grumbling to Luigi.
"Not again! Why are they leaving? What went wrong?!"
Ralph shambled over. "Don't worry, it's not like last time at all."
"What makes you say that, Ralph?" Sonic asked.
"They were holding hands."

To be continued...

Wreck-It Ralph & Mario Bros: Of Plungers and Hammers - Chapter 3 - CoffeeCat1983 (2024)


Are they making a Wreck-It Ralph 3? ›

Ralph Breaks the Virtual Reality (AKA Wreck-It Ralph 3) is an upcoming 2022 American 3D computer-animated musical comedy-drama adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed and written by Byron Howard, the screenplay was co-written by Jennifer Lee.

Will Mario be in Wreck-It Ralph 3? ›

There was discussion after the original film came out regarding the idea of Mario (along with Luigi) appearing in the sequel, but he was ultimately not included in Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Is Luigi in Wreck-It Ralph? ›

Mario and Luigi were also planned to actually appear in the film, but they were cut because writers couldn't think of a suiting way to incorporate them. However, Mario was mentioned by Felix during his game's 30th anniversary party.

Who is Wreck-It Ralph's girlfriend? ›

Vanellope von Schweetz

Ralph and Vanellope hug. When Ralph and Vanellope first met, they didn't exactly see eye to eye.

Is Baby Moana in Wreck-It Ralph 2? ›

... We read the comments [when the teaser came out], we saw people saying, 'Wait, is that Baby Moana?' So, her name is Mo, and Moana's mom does do the voice. But she's not Moana.

Is Mario Luigi's uncle? ›

Created by Japanese video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, Luigi is portrayed as an Italian plumber and the younger fraternal twin brother and sidekick of Mario. Defined by his kind-hearted, yet cowardly demeanor, Luigi appears in many games throughout the Mario franchise, oftentimes accompanying his brother.

Who is the race girl in Wreck-It Ralph 2? ›

Vanellope von Schweetz is the deuteragonist of Disney's 2012 animated feature film Wreck-It Ralph and its 2018 sequel. She is a young, sharp-tongued racer that originates from the candy-themed racing game Sugar Rush.

Is Boo a girl Mario? ›

Boo is the only character to switch genders over the course of the series. She was originally a male character until ILVGwebmaster changed it to add more female characters. ILVGwebmaster thinks that most Boos are girls because in Super Mario Galaxy they fall in love with Mario.

Who does Luigi end up with? ›

He said that Nintendo had finally confirmed Daisy's romantic relationship with Luigi by including a golden statue of the couple in Mario Kart Wii. Den of Geek points out that with no rescue narrative between Daisy and Luigi as the basis for romance, she chooses him based on his merits instead of gratitude.

Is Mario 35 back? ›

According to the president of Nintendo of America, Doug Bowser, the 35th-anniversary products were discontinued due to the 35th anniversary being a celebration that was intended to be unique.

Why isn't Mario in Wreck-It Ralph 2? ›

Disney obtained the license from Nintendo to use elements from the Mario series in Wreck-It Ralph (as well as the NES controller shown in one scene). Mario himself wasn't included because the writers couldn't find a good way to incorporate him into the story, but they're planning to include him in the sequel.

Who bullied Vanellope? ›

To prevent this from occurring, King Candy had the citizens of the game believe having a glitch race can lead to the game being unplugged. Due to this lie, Vanellope was repeatedly tormented by the game's citizens, most notably the racers, led by Taffyta Muttonfudge.

Who is the bad guy in Wreck-It Ralph? ›

Wreck-It Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) is the arch nemesis of Fix-It Felix (voice of Jack McBrayer), one of the most beloved video-game icons of all time.

What is Wreck-It Ralph 3 called? ›

Wreck it Ralph 3: Ralph's Outside World is an American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Disney and Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Is Ralph and Vanellope a couple? ›

Their relationship became similar to that of a big brother and little sister and grew into a very heartwarming one at that. Vanellope even offered Ralph a room in her castle after she turned out to be the rightful ruler of Sugar Rush, though he humbly denied as their friendship alone was enough to keep him happy.

How old is Vanellope? ›

According to Rich Moore and Sarah Silverman, Vanellope is 9 years old. However, according to John Lasseter, she is 12 years old. In the first film, Vanellope is the only main character that never called Ralph by his title "Wreck-it". Vanellope's hands only have four fingers, as opposed to Ralph's five.

Is Vanellope autistic? ›

A good example is Vannelope, who could be considered neurodivergent by her “glitch” (Autistic/Tourette's), and by the end of the film, she proclaims how she is will always be her, everything around her changed except for her, because she accepts that without her programming, she wouldn't be who she is.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.