Trying Something New (Luigi x Reader One Shot) - TiredEnby98 (2024)

“Rosa you know I don’t like these parties, why couldn’t you have just let me stay home?” I whined, my head resting on the cushioned wall of the carriage.

Rosa giggles, “You’re my mage in training silly, it’s important for you to attend these events. Plus that plumber guy who you’re always talking to will be there as well.” Her lips quirked a little, “The poor boy seems enamored over you.”

My cheeks flared red and I turned my attention to the small glass window, revealing the winding colorful roads as we approached Mushroom Kingdom. “Rosa stop teasing, you know as your mage I can not have any distractions, my objective is to keep you and the Celestial Kingdom safe, not gallivant off with some guy.”

Rosalina slouched in her seat, arms crossed, and her face twisted into a pout. “Boo, you’re no fun!”

I rolled my eyes, she always was so childish.

We had finally arrived at the lavish and quite large Mushroom Castle. Peach’s portrait plastered on the large stained glass window centered at the top of the castle, a detail I had always found egotistical but the toads absolutely worshiped her so I guess it made sense. We were escorted by a very polite pink toad with the toad equivalent to braids. As soon as we reached Peach’s view she smiled brightly and ran towards Rosalina, embracing her tightly. I stood silently off to the side, allowing them to talk together excitedly while I looked on with a fond smile. I surveyed the crowd trying to seem like I wasn’t looking for anyone in particular but in full truth, I was. The party was lively, many lanterns and tables laden with intriguing foods procured from the Mushroom Kingdom itself. I glanced over at Rosalina who was still laughing with Peach, Daisy having now joined them. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt if I looked around, Rosa is always telling me that I need to have more fun anyways and she was in good hands. The party itself was bustling with mostly toads, so it was easy to pick the other human out of the crowd, let alone the fact that he was donned in bright red. I poked Mario in the side from behind, which sent him falling onto his ass. He grumbled, adjusting his hat that had fallen over his eyes. “You always have to do that, don’t you?” He shot me an annoyed look as he picked himself up, brushing imaginary dirt off of his jean overalls.

I smiled knowingly, “Oh have I upset the great hero? My apologies.”

He scoffed, “You ain’t so high and mighty yourself oh great mage.”

Despite seeming annoyed, a small smile tugged at his lips, I knew he enjoyed our banter.

“You looking for Lu?” He asked absentmindedly, noticing my wandering gaze, not all too surprised by it.

“Ah yeah- Where is he anyways?”

Mario shrugged, “Went off to get food or something, should be back soon.”

I nodded and was about to start up another conversation when I heard Luigi’s voice coming up from behind us. “Hey Mario I got you that drink you wanted…Oh-”

I turned around with a smile to see him stopped in his tracks, a pink tint blooming on his cheeks.

“H-hey y/n!”

He shot Mario a look, “I didn’t know the Celestial Kingdom was attending today.”

I raised an eyebrow at him frowning a bit, why did he seem so uncomfortable, was he not excited to see me? He noticed my frown and quickly added in with a smile, “Of course it’s always nice to see you! Mario just didn’t tell me you were coming, in fact, he actually said you weren’t.”

The last part was said through clenched teeth, a glare shot in Mario’s direction.

“Ehh, lets just call it a last minute arrangement.” Mario proclaimed unbothered, taking a sip of his drink while looking Luigi in the eyes. His demeanor was smug, over what I couldn’t be sure but whatever it was, it was making Luigi more anxious by the second. I mean he usually was the anxious type, but never this much.

I uncomfortably looked between the two brothers, the tension becoming unbearable. Finally Mario was the one to break off the staredown, slowly walking off into the throngs of party attendees, “Welp I’m gonna go talk to the princess, see ya losers later!”

Luigi was about to object but Mairo was too fast and had already dipped.

“Soooo…what was that all about?” My face was twisted with confusion, so much so that it kind of hurt.

Luigi started a bit as if he had forgotten that I was even there. “Uh don’t worry about it, just sibling stuff…Uh anyways how have things been? H-how have you been?”

I smiled, grateful to change to a less confusing subject. “Um I’ve been good actually, can’t complain. You?”

He returned the smile, “That’s good to hear! Things have just been the usual around here, Mario and his heroics and what have you.”

Quite a few of the toads kept bumping into us and so we moved off to the side, continuing to talk as we walked.

“How’s being the court mage? Are they making you work hard?”

I shrugged halfheartedly, “It’s great I guess, people are always telling me how big of an honor it is to be ‘chosen by the gods’ for such a role. I just feel like I’m wasting away my life y’know? Just stuck in that stuffy castle on standby on the off chance something happens or I get a vision of some great danger. Like what do they need me for? Just to stop the occasional incoming asteroid? Nothing really happens there, most people don’t even know of our existence.” I paused and gazed off into the distance at Rosalina’s floating silhouette. “Plus, I feel like Rosa is mighty powerful herself to handle such matters on her own, she’s stronger than she lets on, the Lumas just hold her back because they’re too overprotective.” I looked back over to Luigi who’s face now had a hint of…pity? to it.

My face went red from embarrassment “I-I’m so sorry I’ve just been ranting this whole time-”

He shook his head gently, “Please don’t worry about it, I’m always happy to listen to you, no matter what it’s about. I’m here for you, ok?”

He said it with such sincerity that it took me aback, so much so that it took me a second to notice that at some point he had gently grabbed my hand in his. He traced my line of sight and dropped my hand from his once he noticed, coughing awkwardly. I clasp my hands together and muster an awkward smile, “Thanks Lu, that really means a lot to me…”

I trail off, looking down at the hand he had held, rubbing my thumb over it longingly.

He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously, “It’s no problem…”

We stood there for a bit, neither of us moving our faces dusted pink. “Ahem!”

We both jumped, startled to find Mairo behind us, shooting us a knowing look. He then turns to me in particular. “Princess Rosalina would like to see you, something about…fireworks?”

He shrugged. My eyes widened, “Oh! I completely forgot!” then turning to Luigi, “I’ll see you later Lu!”

I wave and quickly run off in the direction of the three princesses, still chatting happily.

Luigi watched as they ran off, a sad and longing look following them. Mario crossed his arms and gave Luigi the same smug look from earlier complete with a wide smirk. “Soooo…did things go well?”

He leans towards Luigi teasingly, turning Luigi tomato red. He tenses up at this stammering, “I-I didn’t do it…” he admitted defeatedly, his body slumping.

Mario groaned, making sure to drag it out for dramatic effect. “Lu we went over this!”

Mario pinched the bridge of his nose. Suddenly he brightened, snapping his fingers, “I have an idea!” Luigi leaned forward, listening intently.

“Soon, when the sun sets, Princess Rosalina is going to put on a firework show which y/n is helping her prepare right now.” Luigi raised an eyebrow, curious to see where this was going.

“So, when the firework show starts, find a quiet spot for you and y/n to sit and watch the show. Then while the show is in full effect, lean towards them slowly to initiate a kiss.” Mario looked proudly at Luigi, confident in his plan. Luigi didn’t look so confident though.

“I’m not sure about this Mario…” He squeezed his arm nervously.

Mario waves him off and throws his arm around his brother’s shoulders, “Trust me bro, if it worked for me and the princess it will work for you two.” He assured him.

“If you say so…” Luigi agreed half heartedly. Luigi looked off in the distance, hesitant. “What if they hate it or hate me after? I can’t lose them.”

Mario rolled his eyes and grabbed his brother’s shoulders. “Dude, have you seen the way they look at you? Call me crazy but they seem to feel the same.”

Luigi goes to object but Mario stops him, “Dude I swear to god and all things holy if you don’t confess tonight and I have to listen to you say how much you like them one more time without making a move I’m going to lose my mind.” He emphasized this by shaking Luigi by the shoulders. Luigi pushed Mario off of him “Ok ok I get it, I’ll do it tonight.” He assured Mario.

Mario stared him down, looking for any sign that he was going to chicken out. Satisfied, he only replied with, “Good.” before walking back into the center of the festival. Luigi sighed heavily, “Here goes nothing…”

I listened to Rosa as she carefully went over our routine for the firework show that was meant to take place shortly. I was paying close attention to her hand movements that produced small sparks from her fingertips, a smaller controlled version of what we were actually about to create. Concentrating, I went to mimic the same hand movements when a hand lightly tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump and mess up, a stray spark shooting off from my finger. “Oh my god y/n I’m so sorry-” Luigi apologized profusely.

Rosa giggled, to which I sent her a glare, face red with embarrassment.

I gave Luigi a smile assuring him it was alright, “It’s ok Lu I promise. Was there something you needed?” I co*cked my head at him, observing how he dug his toe nervously into the dirt and refused to meet my gaze. “I um, I was just wondering if…” he started, not finishing.

“If…?” I asked, encouraging him to continue.

“If you would sit with me during the firework show-!” he blurted out all in one go as if he knew that if he didn’t, he never would.

I stiffened, shocked, he had never been this forward before. I tried to regain my composure and give him a response, “I-I have to help Rosa with-”

But Rosa stops me at that, a sly smile on her lips, “No y/n you go ahead! I can do the show on my own, you have fun!” she said while shooing me off, pushing me towards Luigi. “Rosa wait-” I tried to object to which she sternly placed her hands on her hips, “Y/n as your princess, I order you to go and have a good time!”

Knowing she was quite stubborn I decided not to argue further and instead allowed myself to walk off with Luigi. He brought us over to a sort of isolated patch overlooking the field where the fireworks were to be set off. It was covered with moss and tiny mushrooms of varying colors.

Luigi leaned back, making himself comfortable. I followed suit, doing my best to steady my already rapidly beating heart. Somehow he always managed to get my stomach in knots, even when he wasn’t doing anything but just sitting beside me. I tapped my fingers restlessly on the ground, searching for something to say. “So uh, are you excited for the show?” I managed to spit out. He mustered a nervous smile in response, “Yes! In the human world we have fireworks but I’m sure they’re nothing compared to ones produced by magic.”

I chuckled, I always forgot he wasn’t from our world, it added to his charm. “Yeah, Rosa is great at this kind of thing, the routine is quite impressive, she’s been practicing it for at least a week. I can’t wait for you to see it, you’re going to love it!” I smiled widely at him. He gives a warm smile in return before his attention is turned elsewhere. The toads and other partygoers had begun to congregate on the outskirts of the field, the show was about to begin. I watched as Luigi’s eyes lit up with excitement to which I admired fondly. Rosa glided over to the middle of the field, silencing everyone as they watched her in anticipation. She smiled, spreading her arms wide before her. The first spark flew into the night sky, eliciting cries of wonder from the crowd. I was so entranced by the view that I hardly noticed how close Luigi had shifted towards me until I felt his hand lightly graze mine. I turned to face him confused, “Uh Lu…?”

He was looking at me now, shyly, inching his face closer to mine. My breath hitched as I realized what he was going to do next. I needed to stop him, this wasn’t right I-

And then his lips were on mine, briefly, maybe only for a few seconds, but it felt much longer. He pulls away, giving me a hopeful look laced with anxiety. I sat there, stunned, the fireworks fading to background noise. I turned my face away from him and gripped the strands of grass below me. Even without looking at him I could tell he was concerned. “Luigi I can’t.”

I tried to state firmly but my voice wavered. I felt him move away from me as his warmth followed. I watched as he stood up and I wanted with all my heart to call him back to my side, but I couldn’t. “Lu I’m sorry-” I say quietly.

He gives me a sad smile. “It’s ok y/n, I understand, I’m sorry I just assumed...”

I can feel the tears pooling in the corner of my eyes as he begins to walk away “Lu wait-!” But he’s already too far away to hear my call.

I groan as I bury my face in my hands, why can’t I do anything right…? Looking up I can see that the show has ended, everyone leaving the field and going to their respective homes or carriages. The night is over. I begrudgingly picked myself off, Rosa would want to be heading home soon and I needed to meet her at the carriage, there was no point in dwelling on this any longer. The walk back was painful and it was taking everything in me not to let the tears stream down my face, the pained and sad look on Lu’s face haunting me. Despite how brief the kiss had been it was everything I ever thought it would be like. Soft and gentle, it was nice. The Lumas’ words pierce through my thoughts as they usually would when I got distracted, “There is no room for distractions, your mind must be set on protecting the kingdom.”

Anger grew inside of me, taking it out on a rock near my foot, kicking it as hard as I could. I wanted to scream, I wanted this more than anything in the world. Why couldn’t I just defy this one rule?

It had begun to drizzle when I had finally reached the carriage, my eyes puffy from the tears that had managed to slip through. Rosa stood at the open door to the carriage waiting for me with a smile. “So, what did you think?” She asked me eagerly.

I gave her a small smile, “You were amazing as always Rosa.” and then entered the carriage. Rosa waved bye to Peach and gave her our thanks for the invitation, before following me into the carriage. She gave the driver the go ahead and we began to move. Rosa was trying to talk to me about something but I couldn’t hear or focus on any of it, I was too busy at war with myself. “Sooo…how’s Luigi?” I snapped out of whatever funk I was and just stared at her.

“I-I made a mistake. Stop the carriage!!” I yelled over to the driver. Rosa gave me a questioning look but also alerted the driver to stop. Once we had stopped I ripped the carriage door and dashed out into the now pouring rain, Rosa calling out after me. We thankfully hadn’t gone too far and I reached the mushroom kingdom entrance within minutes. Gasping for air, I frantically searched around, trying to remember where Luigi and Mario’s house was. I spotted a small blue toad down the road and ran towards him, asking for directions.

Finally, I found the house and stood before the wooden door panting. I raised fist to knock but hesitated. I shook my head, no backing out now, not when I’ve come this far. With the newfound courage I pounded on the door. I waited, anxiety coursing through me which eventually spiked as the door was finally opened. There stood Luigi, eyes red and puffy causing a sharp pang in my heart. “Lu…” I breathed out, water dripping down my sides.

His eyes widened, but before he could say anything I swooped down and mashed my lips against his, a small squeak escaping from him. I pull away reluctantly and look him in the eyes, “Lu I am so sorry, I was just scared which I know it’s no excuse but I really do care for you.”

My eyes were watering again and tears were already falling from his. “Aw Lu please don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry.”

I laughed, the tears pooling over and finally spilling down my cheeks combining with the rain water. I leaned in and kissed him again moving from his lips to peppering small kisses all over his face, a small laugh finally escaping his lips.

“Y/n?!” I looked over my shoulder, at the sound of Rosa calling out for me. I turn back to Luigi and take his hands in mine. “I really need to get going but I’ll call you later?”

He grins up at me, “Y-yeah! Call you later…”

I turn to go before he pulls me towards him, surprising me with another kiss, this one a bit longer than the others. My face flushes red and my smile is so wide it covers my whole face. “See you later Lu.”

I let go, running back off towards Rosa’s voice, still calling for me. As I run off I can feel him watching me until I am out of sight. My heart swells and for the first time in my life I feel whole.

Trying Something New (Luigi x Reader One Shot) - TiredEnby98 (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.